When you log in to Ruddr, you will be taken to the Home area. You can always access this area by clicking the Home icon (Figure 1) on the nav bar. The Home area provides access to several categories of important data inherent to the current, logged-in Workspace member.
Figure 1 - Click on Home to View Your Personal Dashboard
Once in the Home area of Ruddr, you will have additional navigation options available in the nav bar (Figure 2). Below, we walk through each of these functional areas.
Figure 2 - Home Area Sub-navigation
Executive Dashboard
For those members with the Workspace Admin security role, the Executive Dashboard (Figure 3) will be displayed as the default view when visiting the Home area. These members will be able to change the view to the Personal Dashboard by selecting the down arrow next to the Executive Dashboard title.
The Executive Dashboard displays various "rolled-up" metrics from across the workspace, providing an "executive" view of valuable metrics for the business.
The data feeding the various graphs on the dashboard is refreshed once a day. To view details about when the data was last refreshed, you can hover your mouse over the calendar icon just above the graph. The tooltip that is displayed will list the date and time.
Figure 3 - Executive Dashboard
Personal Dashboard
For members without permissions to see the Executive Dashboard, the first section of the Home area will display the Personal Dashboard (Figure 4). This dashboard shows you the time you have entered for the selected period as well as your billable utilization for the period. The time frame at the top-right of this screen defaults to This Week to Date, but you can change that to report on the current or past week, month, quarter, or year. Ruddr will remember the most recent view that you have specified and present that to you upon your next visit to the Personal Dashboard.
Figure 4 - View Your Time and Utilization Metrics via the Personal Dashboard
The bar chart on the personal dashboard shows hours broken down into four distinct categories. These time categories are:
- Client Billable Hours - billable hours worked on client projects
- Client Non-Billable Hours - non-billable hours worked on client projects
- Internal Hours - hours worked on non-billable internal projects
- Time Off Hours - hours for time off categories such as sick leave or vacation
These four categories are color-coded as such:
- Green for Client Billable Hours
- Red for Client Non-Billable Hours
- Yellow for Internal Hours
- Blue for Time Off Hours
You can hover your mouse over any segment of the graph to view the total hours represented by that segment (Figure 5). Clicking on any segment of the bar will take you to the Time Detail report and allow you to see the individual time entries that comprise that color of the bar.
Figure 5 - View the Total Hours for a Specific Time Category
Beneath the bar chart, your hours are summarized in two distinct ways. First, they are summarized by the four types described above. Secondly, they are summarized by their status, which can be Not Submitted, Pending Approval, Rejected, or Approved.
The next section of the personal dashboard (Figure 6) shows additional metrics including allocation-related statistics and utilization metrics. The first three metrics displayed include:
- Realization rate - the percentage of the total hours that were billable in the period, or the amount of client billable hours in the period divided by total number of hours for the period.
- Allocated hours - the total number of allocation hours for the member in the period.
- Variance - the total variance from the allocated number of hours.
The utilization figures shown will be for the same period of time that was selected at the top-right of the screen. Ruddr shows three separate views of utilization as described below:
- Billable utilization - Billable utilization is the utilization metric that is most commonly used in the professional services industry. Billable utilization is calculated by taking the total billable hours in the time frame divided by the total available hours (or "capacity") in the time frame. Note that each workspace member can have their specific capacity set by a Workspace Administrator.
- Client utilization - Client utilization considers all hours worked on client projects, not just billable hours. Client utilization is the billable and non-billable hours worked on client projects divided by the member's capacity.
- Productive utilization - Productive Utilization considers all hours worked on client projects and any internal projects that are considered to be "productive". Internal projects have a Time is attributable to Productive Utilization setting that, when checked, included any hours logged to that project as part of this utilization calculation.
- Total utilization - Total utilization measures all worked hours, and only excludes time off hours. Total utilization includes all hours worked on client projects or on internal projects. Total utilization is calculated by dividing all hours worked by capacity.
Figure 6 - View Your Personal Utilization Metrics
Just below each utilization block, there is an Adjust for Time Off setting (Figure 7). When utilization is adjusted for time off, any time recorded as Time Off (i.e. - vacation or sick leave), is removed from the capacity. This is useful because it shows the relative utilization excluding the time off.
Figure 7 - View PTO-Adjusted Utilization Metrics
NOTE: for members that have administrative rights, the Personal Dashboard includes a Teammates dropdown (Figure 8) in the same manner as exists on time and expense screens.
Figure 8 - Teammates Dropdown for Viewing the Personal Dashboard of Other Workspace Members
In order to view the Personal Dashboard of other members in the workspace, a member’s security role must have one of the three member-based time and expense administration rights. Those rights can include administration rights to all members of the workspace, all members of the member’s practice, or all members who are subordinate to the member.
My Projects
The My Projects section (Figure 9) of the Home area shows all of the projects that are assigned to the workspace member. The member can click on any project to get to the project dashboard.
Figure 9 - List of Projects for a Workspace Member
Please note that the My Projects section also includes a Teammates dropdown (Figure 8) similar to what is included on the Personal Dashboard. In order to view the projects of other members in the workspace, a member’s security role must have one of the three member-based time and expense administration rights. Those rights can include administration rights to all members of the workspace, all members of the member’s practice, or all members who are subordinate to the member.
My Tasks
Similar to the My Projects section, the My Tasks section (Figure 10) shows all of the tasks that are assigned to the workspace member. The member can click on any task to open the Task Details drawer.
Figure 10 - List of Tasks Assigned to Workspace Member
Please note that the My Tasks section also includes a Teammates dropdown (Figure 8) similar to what is included on the Personal Dashboard. In order to view the tasks of other members in the workspace, a member’s security role must have one of the three member-based time and expense administration rights. Those rights can include administration rights to all members of the workspace, all members of the member’s practice, or all members who are subordinate to the member.
My Allocations
The My Allocations section (Figure 11) shows all of the resource allocations that have been made for the workspace member. This helps the member understand the current and future projects that the member will be working on.
Figure 11 - Resource Allocations Made for Workspace Member