Getting around Ruddr is pretty easy. Once you learn the main navigation components, you'll be off and sailing! We've kept the general interface consistent throughout Ruddr, so that you can quickly come up to speed.
Header Bar
At the top of every screen in Ruddr is the header bar (Figure 1). No matter what area of the application you are working in, the header bar remains the same.
Figure 1 - Header Bar
The header bar has three components as outlined below.
Omnisearch Bar
The omnisearch bar (Figure 2) allows you to quickly find clients, projects, and tasks. Simply type in a few letters of the item you are looking for and Ruddr will bring back a categorized list of results.
Figure 2 - Searching for Clients, Projects, and/or Tasks via the Omnisearch Bar
If you are looking for a specific type of content (i.e. - a Task) you can click the down arrow to the left of the search text box (Figure 3) to narrow your scope. Note that you will only see search results that your assigned security role will allow you to view.
Figure 3 - Specifying the Scope of Your Search
To the right of the search bar is the timer indicator. The timer indicator shows whether or not a timer is currently running. When a timer is not running, the timer is in an inactive state. This inactive state shows a gray Ruddr logo followed by a gray, zeroed-out timer (Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Inactive Timer
When a timer is running, the Ruddr logo will be green and the timer will be black and show the current amount of accrued time (hours and minutes) for the running timer. For example, the time below (Figure 5) represents an active timer with one hour and forty-two minutes.
Figure 5 - Active / Running Timer
Also, if you click on this timer, you will be presented with the time overlay window (Figure 6). The time overlay window will default to the current day unless you have a timer running on a different day. You can easily navigate to other nearby days using the arrows or click the calendar icon at the top-right of the window to select a specific day. With the timer overlay window, you can always access your time entries regardless of where you are within Ruddr.
Figure 6 - Viewing Time Entries via the Time Overlay Window
User profile menu
The final element of the header bar is the user profile menu (Figure 7). This will show your name and the current workspace name. Clicking on this menu will allow you to change to a different workspace (if you are a member of more than one workspace), access your recent report exports, edit your profile information, access the knowledgebase and/or support, or log out.
Figure 7 - Access Your User Profile Menu
Nav Bar
On the left side of every screen in Ruddr is the nav bar. When expanded (Figure 8), the nav bar allows you to easily move between areas of the application, and also see and access related work functions. The current area will be highlighted in green as shown below. NOTE: Your nav bar will be limited to the functional areas of Ruddr that your security role will allow you to access.
Figure 8 - Expanded Nav Bar
Note that you can collapse the nav bar down to a smaller version (Figure 9) if you are using a device with limited horizontal screen space. To expand or collapse the nav bar, simply click the arrow to the right of the Ruddr logo at the top-left of the screen.
Figure 9 - Collapsed Nav Bar
Additionally, when the nav bar has been collapsed, you can can view sub-nav items by hovering your mouse over the various sections of the navigation. Below, the user is hovering over the "Home" area, which shows that they are currently on the Dashboard page, and offers the ability to visit other functional sections of Ruddr (Figure 10).
Figure 10 - View a Sub-menu when the Ruddr Nav Bar is Collapsed
At the bottom left of every screen in Ruddr is the Need Help? link (Figure 11). Clicking on this link brings up real-time chat support. When the nav bar is collapsed, you will see a Help icon (Figure 12).
Figure 11 - Access Real-time Ruddr Support
Figure 12 - Access Real-time Ruddr Support from Collapsed Nav Bar