To gain insight into the financials that are being tracked across projects and clients in your workspace, access the Financial reports section of Ruddr by clicking the Reports item in the main nav bar (Figure 1) and then selecting the Financial sub nav option.
Figure 1 - Clicking on Financial in the Main Nav Bar to Access the Financial Reporting Section
Security Permissions and Financial Reports
As mentioned in the Ruddr Security Roles and Reports section of the Reporting Overview article in the Ruddr Help Center, what reports are available, and then what data within those reports is available, depends on the security permissions of the member viewing the reports. With regards to the Financial reports section, members must have permissions to at least one of the following in order to access the Financial reports section:
- View published invoices
- View bill rates
- View project revenue
- View cost and profit
For members that have access to the Financial reports section, certain data may / may not be available based on the security permissions of the members.
Multicurrency and the Financial Reports
For workspaces that leverage Ruddr's Multicurrency feature, the reports in the Financial report section of Ruddr provide the user with the ability to select the currency (Figure 2) that will be displayed in the report and also used for the CSV / Excel export. The default currency is set to the workspace's home currency, as defined in Workspace Settings.
Figure 2 - Selecting the Currency in Which to View a Financial Report
The following reports present differing views of Financial data in your workspace:
Accounts Receivable Aging
This report presents a list of outstanding receivables, by client, in the workspace, grouped by current, 1 - 30 days late, 31 - 60 days late, 61 - 90 days late, and over 90 days late.
Fixed Fee Services Revenue by Client and Project
This report presents a summary of services revenue for projects with a Billing Type of Fixed Fee and / or Fixed Monthly. The revenue summary includes recognized, unrecognized, invoiced, and uninvoiced services revenue, grouped by client and project. For each project listed, the following revenue events will be listed, as applicable, for the selected date range of the report:
- Fixed Fee Billing Milestone
- Revenue Recognition Ledger Entry
- Non-Billable Project Expense Item
The Non-Billable Project Expense Item is included as negative Recognized Services Revenue.
Client Statement
The Client Statement reports presents a summary of invoices, credit notes, payments, and overall balance for a client. In addition to the various transactions that are detailed, this report also presents a view of AR Aging.
Credit Notes
The credit notes report presents a list of credit notes, including:
- Credit Note Number
- Client Name
- Project Name(s)
- Issued Date
- Status
- Balance
- Total Amount
Credit Note Detail
A list of credit notes, including the credit note summary and each individual credit note line item, including:
- Credit Note Number
- Client
- Issued Date
- Status
- Tax
- Balance
- Total Amount
- Credit Note Line Item
- Invoice Item
- Details
- Taxable
- Quantity
- Rate
- Amount
Hourly Revenue by Client and Project
A summary of hourly revenue earned by project role or member, grouped by client and project. For any project, including Fixed Fee projects, if a billable rate is provided for a member or role, the hours and calculated hourly revenue will be included in the report.
- Client Name
- Project Name
- Role / Member Name
- Billable Hours
- Non-billable Hours
- Total Hours
- Bill Rate
- Fees
This report presents a list of invoices, including:
- Invoice Number
- Client Name
- Project Name(s)
- Issued Date
- Due Date
- Status
- Balance
Invoices by Client
Invoices, grouped by client. This report includes:
- Client Name
- Invoice Number
- Project Name(s)
- Issued Date
- Due Date
- Status
- Balance
- Total Client Balance
Invoice Detail
A list of invoices, including invoice line items.
- Invoice Number
- Client Name
- Issued Date
- Due Date
- Status
- Tax
- Discount
- Total Invoice Amount
- Invoice Line Item(s)
- Invoice Item
- Details
- Taxable
- Quantity
- Rate
- Amount
This report provides a list of payments in the workspace. The report includes:
- Date
- Client Name
- Project Name(s)
- Invoice Number(s)
- Ref #
- Payment Method
- Amount
Performance Reports
The financial performance reports in Ruddr show revenue, margin, and other financial information for clients and projects in the workspace. There are a number of performance reports that give you financial insights into how your projects, client portfolios, and practices are performing.
The exports of the performance reports include many additional, financial data points.
For those workspaces that leverage the Practices feature in Ruddr, Performance by Practice reports will be available. These reports provide insight into how a practice's clients, projects, and members are performing. The results of these reports are viewable by those that have security permissions to view financial data for specific practices within the workspace.
Revenue Attribution and the Performance by Member Reports
There are multiple performance reports in Ruddr that offer a look at performance - services revenue, labor costs, and services gross margin - for members. With regards to services revenue, that is calculated for members based on the Billing Type of their project(s), and for Fixed Fee projects, on the Fixed Fee Revenue Attribution method for those projects.
For Time and Materials projects, revenue for members is calculated as Hours * Fees. On Fixed Fee projects, based on the attribution method, revenue for members is either based on Percentage of Billable Hours or Percentage of Time and Materials Revenue.
For more on this attribution, refer to the Fixed Fee Revenue Attribution article in the Ruddr Help Center.
Performance by Client
The high-level performance of clients in the workspace. This report includes the following:
- Client Name
- Hours
- Realization Rate
- Total Earned Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Total Cost
- Total Profit
- Total Margin
Performance by Client Practice
Each client can be associated with a practice. This report provides a view of high-level financial performance of a practice's client portfolio. Included in this report:
- Client Practice
- Hours
- Realization Rate
- Earned Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Total Cost
- Total Profit
- Total Margin
Performance by Member
This report provides insights into the financial performance of members within the workspace. For each member, the following information is included:
- Member Name
- Total Hours
- Realization Rate
- Services Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Cost
- Profit
- Margin
Note that for Cost, a member's Labor Cost Type determines how the members Cost over a period is calculated:
- Fixed labor cost: If a member's labor cost is fixed, then the Cost is calculated as their Capacity for the period multiplied times their Total Hourly Labor Cost, as defined on their Member Profile.
- Hourly labor cost: If a member's labor cost is hourly, then the Cost is calculated as the Total Hours for the period multiplied times their Total Hourly Labor Cost, as defined on their Member Profile.
Performance by Member Practice
Each member can be associated with a practice. This report provides a view of high-level financial performance of a practice's members. Included in this report:
- Member Practice
- Total Hours
- Realization Rate
- Services Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Cost
- Profit
- Margin
Note that for Cost, a member's Labor Cost Type determines how the members Cost over a period is calculated:
- Fixed labor cost: If a member's labor cost is fixed, then the Cost is calculated as their Capacity for the period multiplied times their Total Hourly Labor Cost, as defined on their Member Profile.
- Hourly labor cost: If a member's labor cost is hourly, then the Cost is calculated as the Total Hours for the period multiplied times their Total Hourly Labor Cost, as defined on their Member Profile.
Performance by Project
This report presents the high-level financial performance of projects, including:
- Project Name
- Client Name
- Hours
- Realization Rate
- Earned Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Cost
- Profit
- Margin
- Budget Revenue Budget Revenue Left
The export of this report includes additional, financial metrics such as Invoiced Revenue, Expenses Revenue, Other Items Revenue, Services Margin, etc.
Performance by Project and Member
This report presents the high-level financial performance of projects, but also provides insight into the financial performance of each team member on those projects. This report includes:
- Project (and Client)
- Member
- Hours
- Services Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Services Cost
- Services Profit
- Services Margin
Note that for Services Cost on this report, a Member's Hourly Total Cost is multiplied times the number of hours they spent on the project.
Performance by Project and Task
A high-level report of performance for each project and insight into the financial performance of each project's tasks. This report includes:
- Project (and Client)
- Task
- Hours
- Services Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Services Cost
- Services Profit
- Services Margin
For Fixed Fee projects, services revenue allocated to those projects' tasks is determined by the Fixed Fee Revenue Attribution method on the project, similar to how revenue is attributed to members on Fixed Fee projects.
Performance by Project Practice
Each project can be associated with a practice. This report provides a view of high-level financial performance of a practice's projects. Included in this report:
- Project Practice Name
- Hours
- Realization Rate
- Earned Revenue
- Effective Bill Rate
- Cost
- Profit
- Margin
Scheduled Items
This report provides a list of any project-level scheduled items on projects in the workspace, grouped by client and project. This includes:
- Client Name
- Project Name
- Scheduled Item Type
- Invoice # (if item has been invoiced)
- Date
- Details
- Amount
Schedule items consist of Fixed Fee Billing Milestones, Project Expenses, and Project Other Items to Bill.
Transaction Summary by Invoice Item
Invoice items, managed in the Custom Data section of Workspace Settings, are applied to project types and expense categories to track various types of services revenue and expenses in Ruddr. This report provides a summary of all transactions grouped by invoice item, including:
- Invoice Item
- Invoice Item Type
- Amount
Uninvoiced Revenue
This report provides a list of time entries, expense report items, fixed fee billing milestones, project expenses and project other items that have not yet been invoiced.