To gain insight into the time that is being logged in your workspace, access the Time reports section of Ruddr by clicking the Reports item in the main nav bar (Figure 1) on the left of the screen, as it is the default reports section. You can also click on the Time sub nav option, which is listed first in the Reports navigation section.
Figure 1 - Clicking on Reports in the Main Nav Bar to Access the Reporting Section
The following reports present differing views of Time data in your workspace:
Time Approval Summary by Member
View a summary of hours by approval status for members in your workspace. The following time aggregations are included in this report:
- Not Submitted
- Pending Approval
- Approved
- Rejected
Time Attachments
For workspaces that leverage the Time Attachments feature in Ruddr, the Time Attachments report provides access to files that members have been uploaded to the Week view of the Time screen. The report includes:
- Member that uploaded the attachment
- Week of time entries to which the attachment applies
- The Client and Project to which the attachment applies
- A link to the file for viewing / download
Time Entries
The most detailed source of time data in Ruddr, the Time Entries report is a listing of individual time entries in Ruddr, including:
- Date
- Member
- Client and Project
- Role
- Task
- Approval Status
- Hours
- Notes (available when clicking Show notes on the report)
Note that there is a "client-friendly" PDF export format in addition to the CSV and Excel formats for the Time Entries report. The PDF will contain your company logo and a Time Summary block in the report header.
In the Excel / CSV exports, a significant amount of additional data is available for the time entries. For those with the correct permissions, data such as Bill Rate, Revenue, and Labor Cost can be accessed in the export of this report.
Multicurrency and the Time Detail Report
For workspaces that leverage Ruddr's Multicurrency feature, the Time Detail report provides the user with the ability to select the currency (Figure 2) that will be used for the CSV / Excel export.
Figure 2 - Currency Selector on the Time Detail report
The Time Detail report export (Figure 3) will include columns for both the project's specified currency and the converted currency per the currency selector on the report. The example below shows CSV export columns for time entries on a project set for GBP with the currency selector set to USD. Both the GBP and USD values are shown in the report export.
Figure 3 - A CSV Export with Conversion from GBP to USD
Time Entries Pending Approval
This report offers a view of all time entries that are in a :Pending Approval" status. The report also lists the name of the member(s) who need to approve each time entry. Included in this report are the following columns:
- Date
- Member / Member Type
- Client and Project
- Role and Task (if applicable)
- Approver(s)
- Hours
Time Off by Member
View a summary of Time Off hours, grouped by Member and Time Off Type.
Time Summary by Client
This report provides access to a breakdown of hours by Time Type for clients in your workspace. Included in this report is a summary of the following:
- Client
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Total Hours
Time Summary by Client and Member
A similar report to Time Summary by Client, with an additional grouping of hours by member. For any client and member in your workspace, view Client Billable, Client Non-Billable, and Internal Hours.
Time Summary by Client and Project
A similar report to Time Summary by Client, with an additional grouping of hours by project. For any project in your workspace, view Client Billable, Client Non-Billable, and Internal Hours.
Time Summary by Client per Time Unit
This report can be used to see the hours on a client broken down by time unit:
- Month
- Week
- Day
By default, the Time Summary by Client per Unit report is set to group and display by Month. To change this grouping, select the desired value from the Unit dropdown (Figure 4) in the Filters drawer.
Figure 4 - Change the Unit by which you Choose to View the Forecast Reports
The report includes the following summary of hours by unit:
- Client
- Hours per Unit
- Total Hours
Time Summary by Member
When looking for a breakdown of hours for Members in your workspace, access this report, which includes:
- Member
- Member Type
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Time Off Hours
- Total Hours
- Capacity for the Selected Period
- Missing Time
This report helps administrators track down Missing Time in the workspace. Missing Time is the difference between the member's Capacity and the total number of hours entered into Ruddr for the period. Any members that are missing time will have a non-negative number of hours in this column.
Time Summary by Member and Client
A summary of hours for each member with an additional grouping by client. For each member and client in your workspace, see a summary of hours, including Client Billable, Client Non-Billable, and Internal hours. The following columns are included in this report:
- Member
- Client
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Total Hours
Time Summary by Member and Project
A summary of hours for each member broken down by project. This report displays the following:
- Member
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours (for projects associated with the workspace's internal client)
- Total Hours
Time Summary by Member Practice
Summary of hours by member practice, including the following:
- Member Practice
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-Billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Time Off Hours
- Total Hours
If your workspaces uses practices, this report provides insight into the types of hours being entered by members belonging to a particular practice. Practices can be created / managed in the Custom Data section of Workspace Settings.
Time Summary by Project
View a breakdown of hours logged to projects in your workspace, along with each project's Hours budget information. Hours are categorized by Time Type and budget information is included as such:
- Project (and Client)
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Total Hours
- Project Budget Hours
- Project Budget Hours Left
- Percent Budget Hours Left
Time Summary by Project and Member
Similar to the Time Summary by Project report, with an additional grouping by member. This report also includes project hours budget information. For projects that have a Detailed project budget and are not using project roles, with hours budgets assigned to individual team members, the hours budget information will be displayed at a member level.
Time Summary by Project and Role
For projects that use project roles, this report provides a summary hours for each project, grouped by project role. For projects that have either a Detailed project budget or a Detailed budget aggregated from tasks, this report provides hours budget insights at a role level:
- Project (and Client)
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours (for internal projects)
- Total Hours
- Role Budget Hours
- Role Budget Hours Left
- Percent Role Budget Hours Left
Time Summary by Project and Task
A summary of hours for projects that have project tasks. For tasks that have an associated task hours budget, hour budget information is available.
- Project (and Client)
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours (for internal projects)
- Total Hours
- Task Budget Hours
- Task Budget Hours Left
- Percent Task Budget Hours Left
Time Summary by Project per Time Unit
This report can be used to see the hours on a project broken down by time unit:
- Month
- Week
- Day
By default, the Time Summary by Project per Unit report is set to group and display by Month. To change this grouping, select the desired value from the Unit dropdown (Figure 5) in the Filters drawer.
Figure 5 - Change the Unit by which you Choose to View the Forecast Reports
The report includes the following summary of hours by unit:
- Project (and Client)
- Hours per Unit
- Percentage of Monthly Budgeted Hours*
- Total Hours
* When viewing the report by Month, Fixed Monthly projects that have a monthly budget will have an additional Percentage of Monthly Budgeted Hours value listed under the Hours per Unit figure in each column of the report. Additionally, when the user hovers over these values, a pop-up modal will display with the following information:
- Billable Worked
- Non-Billable Worked
- Total Worked
- Billable Budget
- Non-Billable Budget
- Total Budget
- Total Budget Used
Time Summary by Project Type
Project Types in Ruddr are defined in the Custom Data area of Workspace Settings and can be leveraged to classify projects in your workspace, enabling you to analyze the performance of specific segments of your project portfolio. This report provides a summary of hours grouped by project type.
- Project Type
- Client Billable Hours
- Client Non-billable Hours
- Internal Hours
- Total Hours
Unsubmitted Timesheets
For admins looking to track down timesheets that have not been submitted, this report provides a list members, per period, and the number of hours associated with unsubmitted timesheets.
- Period
- Member
- Member Type
- Hours
- Capacity