Resource allocations can be created from either the Members view or the Projects view of the Resource Allocations screen. In order to create a new resource allocation, you must have the appropriate permission on your security role. To create a new resource allocation, simply click the plus button at the top-right of the screen to open the New Allocation drawer.
Figure 1 - Click the + Button at the Top of the Allocations Screen or on the Allocations Tab of the Project Dashboard
Note that you can also create resource allocations from the Allocations tab of the project dashboard.
Figure 2 - Specify the Details of the Allocation on the New Allocation Drawer
The following fields are available on the New Allocation drawer:
- Resource Type - You must select whether this allocation is for a workspace member or a placeholder. Placeholders are used when you aren't sure who will be assigned to the work.
- Member - If the Resource Type is set to Member, you will select the member in this drop-down.
- Placeholder - If the Resource Type is set to Placeholder, you will select the placeholder in this drop-down.
- Assignment Type - The Assignment Type can either by Project or Time Off. For more on Time Off allocations, please refer to the Ruddr Help Center article Time Off and Resource Allocations.
- Time Off Type - If the Assignment Type is set to Time Off, you must select the type of time off.
- Project - If the Assignment Type is set to Project, you must select the project for this allocation.
- Role - If the selected project uses roles, you can optionally select the role.
- Task - If the selected project uses tasks, you can optionally select the task.
- Notes - You can optionally provide notes about this allocation.
- Start Date - The start date of the allocation.
- End Date - The end date of the allocation.
- Allocation Method - Choose from one of three methods for specifying the hours allocated to a resource
- Hours per Day / Week / Month - The number of hours per day or week or month for the allocation. Note that hours will only be applied to days of the week where the member has a capacity set within workspace settings. When this method is applied, the following options will be displayed:
- Total Hours - The total number of hours to be allocated to the resource over the specified period of time. When a number of hours are provided for the allocation, Ruddr will automatically allocate the hours for the specified member based on their capacity. When this method is applied, the following options are available:
- Percentage of the Member's Capacity - Hours will be allocated on a daily basis according to the capacity of the member for which the allocation is being created. If a member has a daily capacity of 4 hours, then a 50% allocation using this method will result in 2 hours per day being allocated. When this method is applied, the following options are available:
- Hours per Day / Week / Month - The number of hours per day or week or month for the allocation. Note that hours will only be applied to days of the week where the member has a capacity set within workspace settings. When this method is applied, the following options will be displayed:
- Allocate on days when the member has time off - Ruddr's resource allocation feature is designed to automatically account for holidays and Time Off by withholding allocations on those days. With this setting applied on an individual allocation, Ruddr will allocate time to day where the member has a full day of time off scheduled.
Note that when Ruddr's multicurrency feature is turned on, Placeholders can only be assigned to projects when the placeholder's currency for Average Bill Rate matches the project's currency. For more on Resource Placeholders, please refer to the Custom Data article in the Ruddr Help Center.
Adding a Similar Allocation
If you need to add a new allocation that is similar to an existing one, simply click on any blank cell on that existing allocation row. Doing so will bring up the New Allocation drawer with fields defaulted to match the existing allocation. You can then make any needed changes to the allocation and click the Save & Close button.
Additionally, you can click on any existing allocation and select the Clone menu option to create an identical copy of the allocation which you can then move, resize, or edit.