Time Off resource allocations can be created manually via the Allocations screen and are created automatically by Ruddr when a member creates time off entries on their time screen. In either case, Time Off allocations may affect a member's capacity for a given period.
Manual Time Off Allocation Creation
As noted in Create a Resource Allocation, allocations can have an Assignment Type designated, which categorizes the allocation as either Project time or Time Off. Selecting Time Off as the Assignment Type will require you to provide a Time Off Type for categorizing the allocations. These manually-entered allocations are represented on the allocations screen (Figure 1), often times as a single allocation spanning multiple periods (by Day / by Week / by Month).
Figure 1 - A Manually-Created Time Off Allocation is Displayed
Automatic Time Off Allocation Creation
Ruddr automatically creates Time Off resource allocations when a member creates Time Off time entries on their time screen. In this case, these entries are displayed (Figure 2) as individual allocations for each day (meaning, a single Time Off allocation is created for each day of time off as entered by the member).
Note that Time Off allocations that are automatically created are read-only, as they are managed by the member via their time entries. You cannot edit Time Off allocations that reflect time off entries from the member's time screen.
Figure 2 - Individual Time Off Allocations Created from Time Off Time Entries
The Effect of Time Off Allocations on Capacity
When Time Off allocations are added - either manually or automatically - they may or may not have an effect on a member's capacity for that period. Whether they have an effect on capacity depends on the duration of the time off allocation when compared to the member's capacity for the period.
Time Off for a Full Day
When a member has a Time Off allocation for a full day - meaning the Time Off allocation's hours are equal to or greater than their capacity for that day - Ruddr will no longer evaluate project hour allocations for that day for that member. Ruddr identifies that all of the capacity for that day is being used by the time off.
In the below example (Figure 3), the member has Holiday Time Off allocations from November 20 through November 24. As the allocations are 8 hours per day - the member's daily capacity - this member's billable utilization shows as 0% for those days, even with a billable project allocation that spans the period.
Figure 3 - A Member's Project Allocations do not Factor into Capacity or Utilization when Time Off is for a Full Day
Time Off for a Partial Day
In cases where a Time Off allocation is created for a number of hours that fall below a member's capacity for that day, Ruddr will allocate the full amount of project hours for that day. The primary reason that Ruddr will continue to include / calculate project hours on these days is because of the need for manual intervention to determine just what workload should be expected for the member. In many cases, a member may be allocated to more than one project. In the case of a partial-day Time Off allocation, a resource allocation administrator will need to facilitate any adjustments to project allocations to account for the partial day.
As shown in the below example (Figure 4), this member has a partial-day Time Off allocation of 4 hours. Their capacity is 8 hours. As such, Ruddr is evaluating their daily capacity and project allocations to determine their allocated and available hours, as well as their billable utilization.
Figure 4 - Partial Time Off Allocation does not Affect Capacity
Holidays and Resource Allocations
For workspaces that assign Holiday Schedules to their members, Ruddr will automatically factor future holidays into resource allocations and related forecast reports. However, if a Time Off time entry already exists for a member on the date of a holiday, Ruddr will prioritize the Time Off time entry, accounting for that in resource allocations as opposed to the holiday.