To view all of the clients in your workspace, click on Projects in the nav bar and then select the Clients sub-menu option (Figure 1). This will bring up the client list screen (Figure 2). Depending on the security role assigned to your member profile, you may only see clients where you are on a project team for that client.
Figure 1 - Select Clients to View the Client List
If you have the Create client permission, you will see an enabled Create a Client button. For more on creating clients in Ruddr, see the Create a New Client article.
The list of clients can be downloaded by clicking the download button to the left of the Create a Client button at the top-right of the list.
Figure 2 - Client List Screen
From the client list screen, you have the following filters at the top of the list to help you narrow down the results:
- Search - You can type in a partial client name to narrow the results.
- Practice - The practice that is assigned as the owner of the client. Practices are optional in Ruddr.
- Client Relationship Owner - Narrow down the results for a specific CRO
- Client Archived - Specify "Yes" to view archived clients or "No" to only view non-archived clients. In the client list illustrated above (Figure 2), the "greyed out" items are archived clients that are displaying based on the search criteria.
- Client Tags - If you leverage client tags in your workspace, search the list of clients by active and/or inactive tags. For more information on client tags, refer to the Custom Data article in the Ruddr Help Center.
To view the client dashboard for a particular client, simply click on the row in the list. The client dashboard provides high-level information about the client and its associated projects.
At the right end of each client row, you are provided with a menu of actions (Figure 3). These actions are View, Edit, Archive, and Delete. Depending on your security role, some of these options may be disabled.
Figure 3 - Client Actions from the Client List
Edit a Client
To edit a client, you must have the Edit client permission on your security role. Simply click on the Edit menu option on the row that you want to edit. This will open up the same client drawer (Figure 4) that is used to create a client. Alternatively, you can click on the edit button (a pencil icon) at the top-right of the client dashboard.
Figure 4 - Change Details about the Client in the Edit Client Drawer
Archive a Client
To archive a client, you must have the Edit client permission. Simply click on the Archive menu option (Figure 3) on the row that you wish to archive. This will bring up a confirmation window (Figure 5). When you archive a client, you will also archive all of the projects within that client.
Figure 5 - Confirm your Choice to Archive a Client in the Workspace
For more about archiving a client, see the Archive or Delete a Client article.
Delete a Client
To delete a client, you must have the Delete client permission. Simply click on the Delete menu option (Figure 3) on the row that you want to delete. This will bring up a confirmation window (Figure 6). If the client has projects, it is strongly recommended that you archive the client instead of deleting it.
Once you delete a client, you cannot reverse this action and all associated data (including projects, time entries, expenses, invoices, and payments) will be gone forever!
Figure 6 - Confirm your Decision to Delete a Client
For more about deleting a client, see the Archive or Delete a Client article.