When your clients require Purchase Orders be associated with projects and invoices, you may often want to track details regarding those POs, including any open / available balance remaining. Ruddr's Purchase Order feature provides a mechanism for recording purchase order details, associating those purchase orders with projects, and tracking the invoiced amounts tied to those purchase orders.
When the Purchase Order feature is enabled in the workspace, a Purchase Orders tab (Figure 1) will be added to the Client Dashboard for each client in the workspace.
Figure 1 - A Purchase Orders Tab Appears on the Client Dashboard when the Purchase Orders Feature is Enabled
A list of Purchase Orders is displayed on the Purchase Orders tab, with the name of the purchase order and the following, additional purchase order fields displayed:
- PO Number
- PO Amount
- Amount Invoiced
- Amount Available
Clicking on a purchase order in the list will open the Edit Purchase Order drawer (Figure 2), which will display the details of the PO.
Figure 2 - View / Edit Details of a Purchase Order
When creating / editing a purchase order, you can attach any support files to the PO record in Ruddr, such as a soft copy of the actual PO document.
Create a Purchase Order
To create a new purchase order, click on the Create a Purchase Order button on the Purchase Orders tab (Figure 1). This will open the New Purchase Order drawer (Figure 3).
Within the drawer, you can specify the name of the purchase order and the PO Number associated with the record. In addition, you can provide ancillary details such as the Start / End Date of the PO, the client contact associated with the PO, and any supporting notes.
Once you have provided the details of the purchase order, click the Save & Close button to save the purchase order and return to the Purchase Orders tab.
Figure 3 - Create a Purchase Order
Purchase orders can be associated with a project by editing the project and selecting the purchase order from the list of purchase orders currently active for the client.
Manage a Purchase Order
Edit a Purchase Order
Those members with Edit Client permissions for the current client can edit any existing purchase orders by either clicking on the purchase order listed on the Purchase Orders tab (Figure 1), clicking the pencil icon on the purchase order row, or by selecting the Edit menu item (Figure 4) from the action menu on the purchase order row. This will open the Edit Purchase Order drawer (Figure 2), allowing the member to update details of the purchase order.
Figure 4 - Access the Edit Purchase Order Drawer
Delete / Deactivate a Purchase Order
When you need for a Purchase Order to no longer available, you can either delete the PO or deactivate it. Any purchase orders that have yet to be associated with a project can be deleted. Those POs that have been specified on a project(s) can be deactivated but not deleted.
Deactivating a Purchase Order will prevent that purchase order from being associated with any additional projects. If there are any projects currently aligned with that purchase order, any future invoices generated for those projects will continue to reduce the balance of the purchase order. If you no longer wish to apply invoiced monies to the purchase order, you will need to remove the purchase order from any associated projects by editing the projects and deleting the purchase order there.
Members with Edit Client permissions for the client can delete or deactivate a purchase order by selecting either of the Delete or Deactivate options (Figure 4) from the purchase order row on the Purchase Orders tab.
If you choose to delete the purchase order, you will be prompted to confirm (Figure 5) the deletion. On the confirmation window, click the Delete button to proceed with deleting the purchase order.
Figure 5 - Confirm Deletion of Purchase Order