FAQs and Troubleshooting
- Why am I unable to login to Ruddr?
- What is the Ruddr Fair Pricing Policy?
- How do I understand my monthly Ruddr invoice?
- How do I account for a retainer / prepaid services with Ruddr and QuickBooks Online?
- How do I account for a retainer / prepaid services with Ruddr and Xero?
- How do I write off part or all of an invoice with QuickBooks Online?
- How do Custom Transaction Numbers work in QuickBooks Online?
- How do I resolve the "Account code or ID must be specified" error message?
- When is revenue recognized in Ruddr?
- How is forecasted services revenue calculated in Ruddr?
- Budgeting for non-billable expense on a Fixed Fee project
- How do default Invoice Items get applied in invoices?
- Why do I see #NAME in Excel when I open a Ruddr export?
- Why did Copy Last Week's Time Entries not create all time entries from the prior week?
- Why am I receiving a notification that my timesheet is unsubmitted when I submitted a timesheet for that week?
- Why do I need to submit two timesheets in one week?
- How do I change bill rates on a project that is in progress?
- What are the advantages of using roles on projects?
- I am set up as a time and expense approver. Why can I not see items in my approval queue?
- What currencies are supported in Ruddr?
- Why am I getting a "one foreign currency per transaction" error when saving an invoice to QuickBooks Online?
- Can I approve time and expenses on behalf of another workspace member?
- Why is an allocation resulting in zero hours being allocated to a member?