All invoices in Ruddr have an associated web link. A web link is a unique URL that allows you to provide access to the invoice to anyone inside or outside of your company. If you do not use Ruddr's built-in invoice email feature, you can instead paste the web link into an email that you compose and send. To retrieve the web link for an invoice, simply click on the Get Web Link option on the invoice menu (Figure 1), available in the invoices list or when viewing the invoice detail.
Figure 1 - Use the Invoice Action Menu to Retrieve a Web Link for an Invoice
Clicking on this menu item will bring up a window (Figure 2) that will include the web link URL. You can click on the Copy URL button to copy the URL to your clipboard.
Figure 2 - Copy the URL to the Web Version of the Invoice
It is important to realize that web links are not password protected. Anyone who has the web link can view the associated invoice. A web link to a draft invoice will only show that single invoice while a web link to a published invoice will include a drop-down (Figure 3) that will show all published invoices related to that client.
Figure 3 - When Viewing the Web Version of a Published Invoice, the User has Access to all Published Invoices for a Client
When an invoice is a draft or has been fully paid, the word "DRAFT" or "PAID" will be shown (Figure 4) at the top of the web link view of the invoice.
Figure 4 - Viewing a Web Version of a Paid Invoice