Resource allocations rely on a member's capacity to determine when and how many hours to allocate to that member.
If a "Hours per day" allocation is created for a member, for example, Ruddr will allocate that number of hours on days where the member has capacity. Take the following example:
- 8 hours per day are allocated to a member.
- The member has capacity on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
- Ruddr would allocate 32 hours over the span of a single week, with 8 hours allocated on Monday through Thursday and 0 hours allocated on Friday.
There are a few different conditions that result in zero hours being allocated for a member:
- The member does not have a capacity period created / specified.
- The member's capacity period does not cover specific day(s) of the week for which you are expecting hours to be allocated.
- The Active Date Range on the member's profile do not span the entirety of the allocation, resulting in a capacity period that does not span the duration of the allocation. A member's capacity must fall within the member's Start Date and End Date.
For more a member's capacity periods, please refer to the Member Profile article in the Help Center.