Xero is a small business accounting platform. With Xero, companies can more easily manage bookkeeping, banking, payroll, payments, and funding.
To learn more about the features of Xero, visit https://www.xero.com/us/accounting-software/all-features/.
Key integration benefits
The Ruddr integration for Xero allows companies to seamlessly connect their accounting and professional services platforms. Below is an overview of the main features of the Xero integration.
Save Ruddr Invoices to Xero
When a draft invoice in Ruddr is published, the confirmation window (Figure 1) will now include a Save to Xero checkbox that will be checked by default. If this checkbox is checked, the invoice will be published in Ruddr and immediately saved to Xero. If the checkbox is not checked, the invoice will only be published in Ruddr.
Figure 1 - Publish Invoice and Specify to Publish to Xero
If an invoice was not saved to Xero upon publishing, you can later save it to Xero via the menu (Figure 3) on the invoice row in the invoices list (Figure 2). Simply click the Save to Xero option on a published invoice to save that invoice to Xero. Note that this menu option will only exist for published invoices that are not currently saved to Xero.
Figure 2 - Invoice Section of Ruddr
Figure 3 - Detailed Menu on Invoice Row for Published Invoice
Synchronize Invoices between Xero and Ruddr
It is not uncommon for an invoice to be manually adjusted once it is in Xero. Your company's accountant might prefer to adjust the invoice directly in Xero rather than unpublish the invoice in Ruddr to edit the draft invoice. Any time an invoice gets updated in Xero, Ruddr gets notified of the invoice changes by Xero. Ruddr will then update its version of the invoice to match the Xero version. This ensures that both Ruddr and Xero have the same invoice information at all times.
Note that once an invoice is published in Ruddr, it can no longer be manually edited within Ruddr unless it is first unpublished. This helps ensure that a published invoice isn't inadvertently changed after it has been presented to the client. Since invoices can always be edited in Xero, a published invoice in Ruddr will be updated automatically if the invoice is changed in Xero.
When a published invoice has been saved to Xero, it can be manually reloaded from Xero by clicking on the Reload from Xero menu option (Figure 4) on the invoice row (Figure 2). This reload option is only needed if the Ruddr version of the invoice becomes out of sync with the Xero version. This menu option will only exist on invoices that have previously been saved to Xero.
Figure 4 - Detailed Menu on Invoice Row for Invoice that is out of Sync with Xero
Deleting and Unpublishing Invoices
When an invoice is unpublished in Ruddr, it is recommended that it also be deleted from Xero. On the confirmation window for the unpublish action (Figure 5), there will be a Remove from Xero checkbox that will be checked by default. With this option checked, Ruddr will automatically delete the invoice from Xero.
Figure 5 - Confirm the Unpublishing an Invoice and Removal from Xero
When a published invoice is unpublished in Ruddr, it returns to its draft invoice state. The draft invoice can then be edited and republished when it is ready. When the draft invoice is republished, it can be saved to Xero again at that time.
If a published invoice is deleted in Xero, that invoice will remain in Ruddr but will no longer be linked to a Xero invoice. If you want to delete the invoice from Ruddr as well, you can do that from the invoice menu options within Ruddr.
Record Payments in Xero or Ruddr
With the Xero integration installed, you can record client payments in either Xero or Ruddr. If a payment is entered in Xero, it will be automatically saved to Ruddr. If a payment is entered in Ruddr, it will be saved to Xero unless you uncheck the Save to Xero checkbox on the confirmation window. This checkbox is checked by default.
Once a payment has been saved to Xero, it can only be updated within Xero. Any updates to a payment in Xero will be automatically synchronized to the payment in Ruddr.
Delete Payments
A payment can be deleted in either Xero or Ruddr. If the payment is deleted in Ruddr, the delete payment confirmation window (Figure 6) will include a Remove from Xero checkbox that will be checked by default. If this checkbox is checked, the payment will be deleted from both Xero and Ruddr. If the checkbox is not checked, the payment will only be deleted in Ruddr.
Figure 6 - Choose to Delete a Payment and Remove from Xero
If a payment is deleted in Xero, it will not be automatically deleted in Ruddr. You can manually delete the payment in Ruddr via the row option menu on the payments list screen.
Setting up the Integration
For step-by-step instructions on setting up the Ruddr integration for Xero, see the Xero Integration Setup article.
For more information, see the invoicing section of the Ruddr help center.