When a workspace has the multicurrency feature turned on, it is possible for expense reports to contain expenses with different currencies. The summary values at the top of the expense report (Figure 1) will be converted to the workspace's Home Currency while the individual expenses will be listed in each project's designated currency.
Figure 1 - Expense Report with Multiple Currencies
When creating an individual expense item (Figure 2) for an expense report, the currency symbol next to the expense amount will be set automatically based on the selected project. This is because all expenses for a project must be in the same currency. If no project is selected, the Home Currency of the workspace will be used.
Figure 2 - Expense Currency Set Automatically via Project Selection
Project Expenses
Project-level expenses that are added on the Edit Project drawer (Figure 3) will automatically use the project's set currency. All expenses recorded against a project must use the project's currency.
Figure 3 - Project Expenses on the Expenses Ledger
For more information about multicurrency functionality in Ruddr, see the Multicurrency Overview help center article.