Projects in Ruddr can be configured to either use roles or not use roles. This option can be set via the Use roles checkbox in the Settings section of the Edit Project drawer. When this checkbox is unchecked, bill rates are applied directly to project team members. When this checkbox is checked, bill rates are applied to project roles and then team members are assigned to those roles.
While attaching bill rates directly to project team members is slightly easier and quicker to set up, using roles is more flexible and functional, as described below.
The following are important advantages of using roles for projects in Ruddr:
- Project team members can be assigned to multiple roles and thus can bill at multiple bill rates on the same project. Since bill rates are assigned to roles and project team members can be assigned to as many roles as needed, you can easily enable members to bill at different rates on the same project. This can't be done on projects that do not use roles.
- Bill rates can be changed on long-term projects without changing the historical revenue. It is fairly common for long-term projects to include standard increases to bill rates on a periodic basis. For example, the bill rates might increase 3-5% per year for each year of a five year contract. When roles are in use on a project in Ruddr, the prior year's roles can easily be deactivated and team members can then be assigned to new roles at the increased bill rate. This allows for all historical financial reporting on the project to remain accurate. Click here to learn more about how to change bill rates on a project.
- Roles and rates can be imported from the client-level rate card. Ruddr allows roles and rates to be defined at the workspace level within the Custom Data area as well as on a per-client level. When creating a new project for a client, roles and rates can be added to the project from the client entity. Or, all defined roles and rates at the client level can be added to the project. This makes it very easy to set up a new project for an existing client and ensure that the roles and rates being used are the ones that have been negotiated with that client.
One thing to point out is that the Use roles checkbox on a project can only be changed when a project does not have any published invoices. Once a project has a published invoice, this checkbox will be disabled.