Every project in Ruddr must have at least one assigned Project Admin. The Project Admin is a project team member who is responsible for project configuration and administering time and expense for that project. In most companies, the Project Admin is set to the workspace member who is managing the project on a day-to-day basis, however you may decide to assign these responsibilities to other workspace members.
You can determine the Project Admins for any project by simply clicking on the Team tab (Figure 1) of the Project Dashboard. The Project Admins will have a green icon next to their name on the member card.
Figure 1 - Pamela Brewer is the Sole Project Admin for this Project
To change the Project Admin on a project, your must have the Edit Project permission on your security role and must have access to the project. The Team tab of the Edit Project drawer will allow you to add or remove team members as well as set team members to active or inactive. To set the Project Admin from this screen, simply click the action menu (Figure 2) on that member and choose the Set as Project Admin option.
Figure 2 - Action Menu for a Member on the Team Tab of the Edit Project Drawer
Note that Ruddr's security roles can apply project-level permissions based on whether or not a workspace member is the Project Admin for the project. For example, if a member is the Project Admin for a project, the member may have expanded privileges to that project but not have those privileges on projects where the member is not the Project Admin.
Specifying Additional Project Admins
There may be instances where you wish to specify multiple Project Admins on a project. Perhaps you have a non-billable, operational-focused member in your workspace that will take on administrative duties, or you wish to split some project administration duties amongst two billable team members.
You can set additional Project Admins from the Team tab of the Edit Project drawer by editing current team members. To edit a team member, click the Edit pencil (Figure 3) on the row of the member you wish to edit.
Figure 3 - Click the Edit Pencil on the Member Row to Change Member Settings
When editing the team member, you will have an option (Figure 4) to assign them as a Project Admin on the project.
Figure 4 - Checking the Project Admin Checkbox will Assign Additional Members to the Project Admin Role on the Project