The Accounting tab (Figure 1) of the Edit Project drawer allows you to schedule the invoicing of "Other Items" in addition to services and expenses. In order to edit a project you must have access to the project and also have the Edit project permission set on your security profile.
An "Other Item" can be anything that does not fit as a service or expense. For example, if your company sells products or materials in addition to services and expenses, those products and materials can be scheduled for billing via the Other Items section of the Accounting tab.
When an Other Item has been invoiced, it will no longer be editable and can no longer be removed from the Other Items list. The edit and delete icons will be disabled as shown on the first three rows below.
Figure 1 - Add Other Items to Bill on the Accounting Tab of the Project Drawer
Create Other Items to Bill
There are two ways to add Other Items to Bill on a project:
Single Item to Bill
To add an item to the schedule, simply click on the + Quick Add button at the bottom of the list (Figure 1). This will open a modal window (Figure 2) where you can define the item.
Figure 2 - Add Other Item Details when Creating an Other Item to Bill on a Project
You can supply the following fields:
- Bill Date - The date that you want this item to be picked up on the Ready to Bill screen for invoicing.
- Invoice Item - The Invoice Item that you want to use on the invoice for this item. Your Workspace Admin can define as many Invoice Items as needed for your company.
- Description - This description will be placed on the invoice line item.
- Amount - This is the amount you will charge the customer for this item.
In some cases, you may want to provide details about an item's quantity and the individual rate for an item. If you need to provide that information, checking the Include a quantity and rate for this item checkbox will present the following fields:
- Quantity - The number of items to be used in calculating the Amount of this Other Item
- Rate - The cost per item to be used in calculating the Amount of this Other Item.
- Amount - Same as above, in that this is the amount you will charge the customer for this Other Item. However, when specifying Quantity and Rate, the Amount is calculated as (Quantity * Rate) and the field is read-only.
Multiple Items to Bill
In some cases, you may need to charge the client for a recurring item against a project, such as subscription fees, hosting fees, or some other, recurring charge. To set up multiple items to bill on the project, click the Add Multiple button at the top of the list (Figure 1), which will present a window (Figure 3) much like the modal for a single item (Figure 2), but with the additional fields to specify the dates for which the item should span.
Figure 3 - Creating Multiple Other Items to Bill
From this screen, the fields are identical to when you create a single item to bill, with the exception of two fields:
- Starting Month - Specify the beginning month in which you want this recurring item to be invoiced.
- Ending Month - The final month in which you want this recurring item to be invoiced.
- Scheduled on Day of Each Month - Providing this value allows you to specify the exact day of the month that you want these monthly recurring items to be tracked on the project and / or available for billing.
Once you have specified the details of the recurring items, click the Add button at the bottom of the window (Figure 3). This will close the window and you will be able to view the newly created items in the Other Items to Bill list (Figure 4) on the project drawer.
These items can be edited and / or deleted at any time prior to being included on an invoice.
Figure 4 - The Last Three Items were Created as Multiple Other Items to Bill
Invoicing for Other Items
The Ready to Bill screen in Ruddr will automatically pick up all scheduled other items for the specified date range. Those items will be added to the invoice when the draft invoice is created.