Delete an Expense Report
An expense report can be deleted from the expense report list (Figure 1), accessible from the Expense Reports option (Figure 2) in the Ruddr nav bar. To delete an expense report, simply select the Delete option on the row for the report that you wish to remove.
Figure 1 - Delete an Expense Report from the Expense Reports Screen
Figure 2 - Expense Reports in the Expenses Area
Note that if an expense report contains one or more locked expense items, the report cannot be deleted and the delete menu option will be disabled.
Delete an Expense Item
In order for an expense item to be deleted from an expense report, the item cannot be locked. When an expense item is locked, it will be presented with a lock icon next to the amount of the expense item listed in the Expense Report details (Figure 3).
To delete an unlocked expense item, simply click on the item to bring up the expense item drawer. At the bottom-left of the drawer (Figure 4), click the Delete button.
You cannot undelete an expense report or expense item. All deletions are permanent and thus you should be certain that you no longer need the expense report or item before you delete it.
Figure 3 - One of the Expense Items in this Expense Report is Locked
Figure 4 - Use the Delete Button on this Edit Expense Item Drawer to Permanently Delete the Item