There are two ways to treat projects that you no longer expect members to work on:
If you have an project that you wish to keep in the workspace for reporting purposes but prefer that it no longer appear in your active projects list, then you would want to archive the project.
You should only delete a project if it was created by mistake or if it is a duplicate. If a project has time, expenses, or invoices, it is recommended that the project be archived instead of deleted.
You can archive or delete a project from the projects list screen (Figure 2). To bring up this screen, click on Projects in the nav bar (Figure 1).
Depending on the permission settings on your member profile, you may only see projects where you are on the project team.
Figure 1 - Select Projects to View the Project List
Figure 2 - Project List
At the right end of each row (Figure 2), there is a menu of actions (Figure 3) that you can take against each project. These actions are View, Edit, Clone, Archive, and Delete. Depending on your permissions, some of these options may be disabled.
Figure 3 - Action Menu for Projects in the Project List
Archiving a Project
In order to archive a project, you must have the Delete or archive project permission. Simply click the Archive menu option (Figure 3) on the intended client row. This will bring up a confirmation window (Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Confirm your Action to Archive a Project
When a project is archived, it will no longer be possible for any workspace member to create invoices, time entries, or expense items for that project. Also, to edit a time or expense entry on an archived project, the member must have member-level Administer time and expense permission on their security role.
An archived project will no longer show up in your active project lists in Ruddr. But, all data associated with the archived project is maintained and you can still report on archived projects. If you need to unarchive a project, simply choose the Unarchive menu option on the archived project row in the project list.
When a project is archived, an Archived status bubble (Figure 5) with appear next to the project name on the project dashboard.
Figure 5 - An Archived Status Displays on the Project Dashboard
Deleting a Project
In order to delete a project, you must have the Delete or archive project permission. Deleting a project should be a rare action and is usually done to correct a mistake or duplicate. Once a project has time or expenses, it is recommended that the project be archived instead of deleted. Projects with invoices cannot be deleted and can only be archived.
To delete a project, simply click the Delete menu option (Figure 3) on the project row. This will bring up a confirmation window (Figure 6). In order to delete a project that has time or expenses, you will have to confirm this action by typing in the word "DELETE".
Figure 6 - Confirm your Action to Permanently Delete a Project and all Associated Data in Ruddr
When a project is deleted, all associated data related to that project is also deleted. This includes time entries and expense items.
!!!!!!Once you delete a project, you cannot reverse this action, and all associated data related to that project will be gone forever!!!!!!