On the project dashboard and in the Services Revenue Forecast by Client and Project report, Ruddr presents a view of forecasted services revenue. There are multiple ways in which Ruddr calculates forecasted services revenue, all of which depend on a project's billing type.
Time and Materials
For projects with a billing type of Time and Materials, Ruddr evaluates resource allocations. For each allocation on a given project, Ruddr multiplies the allocated hours for a given period times the bill rate of the project role associated with the allocation. As such, in order to be included in the calculation for forecasted services revenue, an allocation must specify a billable project role with a bill rate.
Essentially, the calculation looks something like this: allocated project hours * project role bill rate
Fixed Fee or Fixed Monthly
In analyzing projects with a billing type of Fixed Fee or Fixed Monthly, Ruddr considers the project's fixed fee revenue recognition method.
As Invoiced
For projects that have As Invoiced revenue recognition methods, Ruddr evaluates future Fixed Fee Billing Schedule items. These scheduled items have dates specified. Any scheduled items that are expected to occur in the future are considered forecasted services revenue.
Manual / Automated
For projects that have Manual or Automated revenue recognition methods, Ruddr evaluates future Revenue Recognition Ledger entries. These schedule revenue events have dates specified. Any scheduled revenue events listed in this ledger are considered forecasted services revenue.